Are you waking up to bad hair days even with your hair extensions? Chances are, you need a spark in your hair care routine! Hair maintenance and care give your extensions the shiny and lustrous looks it deserves. Just like your natural hair, your hair extensions need care and attention to last longer and look good. It is always a great idea to treat your hair right.
Hair extensions damage just like natural hair does when it's not well taken care of. It is essential to take care of your hair extension needs with the oils you use and how you wash/dry, and comb them. Healthy hair is happy hair, be sure to check out for quality and comfortable hair extensions for all hair types. We will be discussing the best hair extension tips you need to know to keep your extensions looking great.
Avoid swimming in the pool- chlorine can dry out the hair.
Taking a dip at the pool is always a pleasant experience, but we advise that if you decide to swim, wear a swim cap. Allowing chlorine to remain in your extensions may cause irreparable dryness and color alteration.
Always use a heat protectant when using hot tools
Heat protectants are essential for protecting your hair from all the heat it goes through in the process of styling. Do this diligently, and make sure you cover all areas of your hair extensions. If you’re into regular styling of your hair extensions, it’s best you invest in professional tools or get professional help on the best ways to protect your hair from heat.
Be sure to use the right tools for styling, brushing and detangling to avoid shedding. The right comb makes detangling those knots much more manageable.
Hair extensions don’t naturally receive the nourishing oils from the scalp and are more prone to getting dry. Constant heat application without protection will suck out the moisture in your extensions and leave your hair feeling and looking dry. Also, do not heat-style your hair while it’s still wet.
Buy hand-tied hair extensions.

Washing your hair extensions properly
When washing your hair extensions, always have the right kind of products that will not cause damage to your extensions. We suggest using shampoos that are sulfate-free and also use alcohol-free conditioners.
Be careful when washing to avoid loosening of the extensions, use half of what you would typically use on your natural hair to wash and condition your extensions and on some days, it’s okay to skip the shampoo and just co-wash.
When washing, be sure to rub your hair extensions gently. Rinse the extensions in cool water, and finally, to lock in moisture, carefully squeeze any excess water from the extensions. Refrain from rubbing your extensions dry with a towel.
Dry hair extensions properly
Using heat on the hair only makes your extensions more vulnerable to damage, and if you must use a blow dryer, remember to use a heat protectant.
We are all for air-drying your extensions, and it is highly recommended. When you air dry, place your extensions on a flat surface where it can receive the right amount of light and air to dry. To avoid frizziness after the extensions are dry, apply a little oil for a lustrous and silk look.
Invest in good and quality hair extensions; which you can find on our website Hair extensions, just like our natural hair, should be treated with care, and maintenance is vital. Store your hair correctly; be sure to brush the extensions out before you place them in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. Also, be sure the extensions are completely dry or in no way damp to avoid mold and bacteria. Pay attention to products used on your extensions when washing, detangling, and conditioning, and if heat must be applied, always use heat protectants. Using the right type of styling tools on your hair extensions reduces shedding and helps it last longer. We hope these tips were helpful!
It’s great to know that extensions can be heat-styled as long as your use a heat protectant. I’ve never liked how thin my hair is, and I’ve been toying with the idea of getting extensions. It’d be so nice to find some that are real human hair as well.